Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Media And The Global Media - 1417 Words

According to David Held and colleagues, 1999, there are five major shifts that have contributed to bringing about the global media order. The first of these five shifts is the increasing concentration of ownership. This means that the global media is now dominated by a small number of powerful, centralized media conglomerates. Sociological theories of the various forms of the media shows us that they can never be assumed to be politically neutral or socially beneficial. For many people the key problem is the increasing concentration of ownership of different types of media within large conglomerates that have come to be known as super companies. Many of the vast media conglomerates have gone on to form media empires which control the flow of information across the world. Some of these media empires are Time Warner, ABC/Disney, and Viacom. The idea of media super companies is one that creates discomfort for many, and not one which people should aspire to. Where enthusiasts see a dream , critics see a nightmare. As media corporations become even more concentrated, centralized, and global in their reach, there is reason to be concerned that the important role of the media as a forum for free speech, expression, and debate will be curtailed. A single company that controls both the content, as well as the means of distribution is in a position of great power. It can promote its own material, exercise self-censorship, and even cross endorse products within its own empire at theShow MoreRelatedThe Media And The Global Media1859 Words   |  8 Pagesand climate of media ownership within the international realm and has greatly influenced the technological change, influence of deregulation and increase and appeal for media ownership. All three factors contributing greatly towards the collaboration of communication and media and the current media oligopoly. 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